Steel Structural Tower Fabrication and Welding The success of any major building modification is highly dependent upon successful welding techniques. In fact, rivet construction is largely […]
Steel is both the most widely used and most recycled metal material on earth. From stainless and high-temperature steels to flat carbon products, steel in its […]
400KV Transmission Line Tower Drawings Following the award of the Contract and before detailing the towers, the Contractor shall furnish the Employer with all wire clearance […]
Which part of the power line route constitutes? Everyone is no stranger to the transmission lines. In the city’s iron and steel forests and on country […]
Assembly Material All necessary bolts, screws, rivets, nuts, washers and locking devices are to be furnished as assembly material for the equipment. All bolts and screwed […]
Select steel tower based on voltage • High-voltage (230-kV, 345-kV, 400-kV (DC), 500-kV (DC): Currently in Toronto, the high-voltage system is generally comprised of 230-kiloVolt and […]
The so-called High Voltage Transmission Line is a tower-shaped steel structure built with steel profiles for erecting high-voltage transmission lines. High-Voltage Transmission Line:Best solutions for efficient […]
Transmission line Steel Tower Galvanizing Requirements Except where specified to the contrary, all iron and steel used in the construction of the Contract Works shall be […]
The dimensions and technical requirements of the Tower First, the generation of the work of the content: Party B is responsible for the daily cycle patrol […]
Material: Steel. Uses: for mobile/unicom/Traffic satellite positioning System (GPS) and other communications departments, communications base station, radar stations, airports, oil depots, missile positions, PHS and all […]
Overhead transmission line through the wire with insulators and gold set on the tower above, so that the wire to the ground and buildings to maintain […]